✔ Live within a two-hour drive for females and one-hour for males from Parkersburg, WV
✔ Provide an indoor living space, a fenced yard, and use a leash outdoors
✔ Ensure you have enough time to spend with the dog, avoiding long periods alone
✔ Enroll the puppy in manners or obedience classes by 6 months old
✔ Commit to feeding high-quality food and providing excellent healthcare
✔ Regularly schedule veterinary and grooming appointments
✔ Be alert to signs of breeding readiness in your dog
✔ Understand the dog remains our property until post-breeding spaying or neutering
✔ Show abundant love and affection to the dog
✔ Maintain regular communication with us about the dog's health and development
free puppy
pick of the litter
providing a loving home
Thank you for considering becoming a part of our Guardian Home Program! Please set aside some time to thoroughly complete this application, as it's quite detailed and needs to be filled out in one go. We truly appreciate your interest and are excited about the opportunity to possibly work with you.